REthink. REarrange. REbuild.

The group of five people, experienced engineers, entrepreneurs, visionary personalities met in 2017 to REbuild the way of building. The company REbuild is a fresh startup dedicated to introducing 3D Printing technology to the construction industry. The innovatory approach on the business model is designed to introduce and patent innovative and breakthrough engineering solutions, formulate the laws, standards, and regulations for 3D construction printing and above all to prepare market and customers for new to come. The company’s value is built with innovative designs that feed the company patent wallet. Parallel work on new regulations is ongoing with strong cooperation with Polish Committee for Standardization.
The REbuild team has solutions for construction issues like reinforcement, formworks, supports, thermal insulation or complicated wall shapes. All of these CAN be automated! On top of that company owns know-how of recycling technology to reuse raw materials in the process of building. Our solutions decrease construction time and costs by half! Our approach: REthink. REarrange. REbuild. is changing the industry while you are reading this.